0-Level Writing Books Combo (Pack of 4) - Pattern Writing, Capital & Small Letter Writing, Number Writing 1 to 30, Kha Ka Ga Hindi Sulekh
- Brands Little Masters
- Book Code: LM_0022
- Availability: Out Of Stock
- 270.00 216.00
Out Of Stock
- Author:Infinity Publishing
- Format:Paperback
- Year:2022
- Page:188
- DIMENSION: 282.00 x 222.00 x 10.00 mm
- WEIGHT:700.00 gm
0-Level Writing Books Combo - Pattern Writing, Capital & Small Letter Writing, Number Writing 1 to 30, Kha Ka Ga Hindi Sulekh
Patterns & Writing books: Early fine motor writing skills are an important school readiness skill associated with later academic success. Pre-writing skills are the fundamental skills children need to develop before they are able to write. These skills are essential for the child to be able to develop the ability to hold and move a pencil fluently and effectively and therefore produce legible writing. Number Writing: Through the attractive imagery and educational illustrations, these books will help your children pave their way into the world of mathematics. Pre-writing skills are the fundamental skills children need to develop before they are able to write. These skills are essential for the child to be able to develop the ability to hold and move a pencil fluently and effectively and therefore produce legible writing. Hindi Sulekh (Writing): Writing by hand in the early years helps to support the development of reading skills. Handwriting requires fine motor control and fine motor activities stimulate the prefrontal cortex. Handwriting requires fine motor control and fine motor activities stimulate the part of the brain which helps in executive function. Once connected to their mother tongue is once connected to their motherland. Show the beauty of the Hindi language through these writing books to the little masters.